How about people stop thinking of their own self interest- if your a member of congress your job is to represent us and the US

It’s not meant to be a life time job- it’s an honor to be there. You were elected to use judgment and have integrity

every GOP senator that voted for this disaster needs to be voted out of office or forced to resign.

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Please stop with this Condorcet nonsense. It has zero chance of being adopted in this country. A non-partisan primary ranked-choice IRV system similar to Alaska does have some very remote chance however, and it would be way better than the system we have now. (And even if Condorcet did have some change, IRV would be a necessary first step in the voting evolution because it is a more incremental change that doesn't require a PhD to understand.) So please stop making the perfect the enemy of the better, drop this Condorcet nonsense, and start talking about something that might actually have a chance of being adopted.

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>>Please stop with this Condorcet nonsense. It has zero chance of being adopted in this country.<<

Please stop being a dishonest and greedy person.



Please stop trying to self-fulfill a prophecy. Be honest instead.

>>...that doesn't require a PhD to understand.<<

Lessee: If more voters mark their ballots preferring Candidate A to Candidate B, then we don't elect Candidate B.

That's hard to understand? Let's see you *justify* electing Candidate B under the condition above.

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HI Ned: Hope you are well. You are my go-to analyst on electoral reform, which I agree is crucial. I wonder, if there are state or national efforts to implement reforms that you recommend (or believe would improve our politics), whether you might post them (and links) so your readers can take practical action to try and move our electoral system in the direction you are advocating. Best, Tim

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You present no facts, neither can I, but based on what I see and hear Tulsi and the others are good candidates but only their actions will prove it.

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It is not a fact what you say. Otherwise, people who are rstional, readonable and intelligent like you could not have the opposite opinion. People have the right to have any opinion, but opinions are not facts.

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Whay you give is opinion, not facts. To state as fact Trump's nominees "are grossly unqualified", is not fact, it is an opinion that you sincerely believe is a fact. But if you really want to fix the US you need to bring to the States at the local, state and federal level, real democracy, Swiss style democracy. US style democracy and all other representative democracies or ccostitutional republics need to do what the Swiss did almost 2 centuries ago; shift the final decision making powers on any policy, law, regulation or the constitution itself from the elected politicians to the people. Not even the Swiss Supreme Court judges can overturn or invalidate any decision by the people on constitutional grounds. The Swiss themselves also learned and continuously prove to themselves and the World than when the people,after orderly and not hurried discussion, make the key decisions, their decisions are more effective and wiser than when politicians decide. That is why Switzerland is even more prosperous than the US in spite of having water as their natural resource. By any measure Switzerland is great decade after decade; longer lifespan, best universal health care system in the World (and not socislist bu run on capitalist principles), much lowet national debt, better and cheaper education, cleaner, much less violent even if they have lots of guns, but a lot less than the US, more personal wealth per person, far more democratic, far more stable than any other country, etc. If you are a real democrat, you believe in your fellow citizens and will trust them to make all key decions on anything the people want to decide, but if you are a bourgeois elitist or a socialist-communist or Marxist elitist you will come up with many excuses as of why the Swiss system can not work in the US. They are the same excuses Swiss politicians came up with when the people told them: "elections are not enough, we want to decide anything we want and prevail over any decision you make if we so choose" This could be a cosmic coincidence, but the Swiss had enough when the elected politicians mismanaged another pandemic! Perhaps the American people will find again we know they have in their hearts and demonstrated to give Blacks civil rights or when they decided to become an independent nation. In another interesting link; the Swiss used the US Constitution to write their own but soon observed it need important fine tuning, as I said. Later, California and other states were inspired by the direct people powet of the Swiss Constitition, but botched it for a number of reasons. Three key ones are that the US does not direct people executive and legislative power at the federal level, that the judges can overturn state referendums on constitutional grounds and tha the SCOTUS allows unlimited private money in US elections.

Trump will fix some things but it will be a temporary patch. To really fix the US and the rest for good we all need the Swiss political system, it is even better than their chocate. Study it, demand it. By the way, just in case, the Chinese and other dictatorships are abominations and will collapse.


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Here it is from two former Republicans. Rick Wilson is ultra-conservative.


Lawrence is no longer a Republican and grew out of it a while ago (maybe when W was prez).


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//To state as fact Trump's nominees "are grossly unqualified", is not fact, it is an opinion that you sincerely believe is a fact. //

Of course it's a fact. Tulsi Gabbard?? WormBrain Anti-vaxxer? Faux News commentator for DoD? He nominated a child rapist for AG. Dr. Oz is really super-duper qualified to be overseeing Medicare and Medicaid.

The *only* sorta normal person with a modicum of qualification is the SoS. And it's because he totally recanted "small hands" and became a T**** apologist. Just like Lindsay Graham. Even Interior gets a governor who before never held office and literally bought his way into the guv's office. His qualifications are that he has excrement on his nose for sticking it into T****'s anus.

T**** appoints himself the Chairman of the Board of the Kennedy Center. Along with WormBrain being confirmed to HHS today, I'm sure that RFK and JFK are spinning in their graves.

I mean, holy shit! Who are you kidding?

We are Germany 92 years ago. We're in a whole heapa trouble and so is the rest of the world.

Now that said, I dunno if Condorcet RCV woulda done us any good. Such a large portion of the country have had their minds totally turned into mush: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc

It's not really certain that Condorcet would have saved us from Hitler or T****.

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