Particularly interesting to build on the NPV Compact movement. Bravo to a Political Scientist of the 21st Century, improving on his 18th Century predecessors' foundation for our democratic republic!

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Democratic leadership are mostly in the pockets of big corporations. They are not "a collection of liberals and progressives." They use that rhetoric to distract people from their utter failure to deliver decent wages, fair tax policies, sustainable energy, and a halfway rational health care system.

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UnCap the House & give it back to the people. Rewrite the Apportionment Act of 1929 to add the proper number of Reps & there will naturally be more parties or coalitions.

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"The September ballot would ask voters to identify the single candidate among those listed whom voters would like to advance to the November general election."

So the second round is Condorcet, which is great, but the first round is still a FPTP election, with all the vote-splitting problems that entails, and the most highly-regarded candidates can be eliminated before they get to the runoff. At least use Approval Voting in the first round to reduce vote-splitting.

(Or just use your platform to popularize an existing system like STAR Voting instead of increasing the fragmentation of the voting reform advocacy space.)

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